Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Where the Most insecure, Android or iPhone?

The popularity of a mobile operating system is not forever, especially if potentially invite attack the cyber criminals. Currently, the operating system for mobile phones the most popular are Android and iOS on iPhone.

Now, which of these two operating systems are the most vulnerable or at least safe?

To find the answer, SourceFire Security Research Institute did a study entitled "25 Years of Vulnerability" released last March.

His research results are quite surprising. iPhone turns out to contain far more vulnerability than other mobile operating systems, including Android.

But as long as it is always referred to as the operating system the most insecure is because Android's open-source.

SourceFire said, the popularity of the iPhone and Apple's tight control imposed on the shops the application thus encourages the perpetrators of cyber crime to look for gaps in the iOS operating system.

A Total of as many as 210 security gaps found in the iPhone. That amount represents 81 per cent of the overall number of security gaps that exist in the mobile operating systems, and is much larger than the total security gaps in Android OS-based smartphone, Windows and BlackBerry gabungannya numbers reached only 19 percent.

Yves Younan, a senior researcher SourceFire, said that Apple's mobile devices has increased year-over-year in the number of significant security gaps were found, though iOS always implement the new security features in each update.

With the Android operating system, according to Younan, cyber criminals apparently less motivated to find security gaps on the smartphone. This is because the open nature of Android that makes it easy for hackers to insert malicious applications or send to the users.

On the other hand, it is hard to do in iOS devices because Apple controls the applications that ran on the platform of his own with tight. Thus, the cyber criminals increasingly challenged to find security gaps in Apple's own software systems.

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