Tuesday, April 16, 2013

PS4 & Xbox 720 Push Features that do not belong to the PC

The presence of the latest generation of consoles two big game company, Sony and Microsoft, it does generate a lot of sensation in the industry. Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Cevat Yerli Crytek, believing that the latest generation of consoles the company designed to provide features that are not owned by the PC.

Yerli reveals, the console will have an important reason that made them a latest generation in the game industry. "It is also to explain to the public that the technology is not everything related to images on a screen," said Yerli as offered from Softpedia, Thursday (16/4/2013).

Reportedly, the main processor for the PlayStation 4 and Xbox 720 will use technology the latest Jaguar rendered by Advanced Micro Devices (AMD). Allegedly, the code name for the latest generation of the PlayStation called Orbis, while for the Xbox 720 is called Durango.

Unfortunately, the CEO of Crytek also mentioned that he could not discuss information about some of the features will appear on both the latest generation of gaming consoles. Many rumors which said that after the latest generation of consoles Sony revealed last February, Microsoft will also reveal the presence of the latest generation console on May 21.

As for the Sony PlayStation 4 says, it will be a more powerful device with streaming and sharing options to all of its content. While Microsoft has not provided information about the Xbox 720, but information floating around mention of prices for the consoles will be revealed at the Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3) 2013 held on 11 to 13 June.

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