Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Latest XBOX Introduced May

When Sony first introduced its latest gaming console PlayStation 4, Microsoft is also rumored to be announced the next generation of Xbox. It is not a surprise because rumors about the presence of the latest generation of Xbox is already blowing from last year.

As reported by the slashgear.com, Tuesday, Microsoft is rumored to be introducing its new game console on 21 May.

Based on the statement of a Windows blogger Paul Thurrott, recently said that rakasasa software from Redmond is indeed going to introduce a new game console Xbox 720 in May this rather dated May 21, 2013. This was confirmed on the confirmation made by The Verge as saying that it is indeed accurate.

Previous blown news that Microsoft will introduce the Xbox 720 gaming console on April 24, but this was not proven.

Rumored that the event will take place in a small place and Microsoft will explain the details of the first features of the Xbox 720, but blown news that Microsoft can only reveal some details behind the new console.

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