Thursday, April 11, 2013

Iran Is Ready To Launch The "Google Earth Islami"

Authorities Iran have long accused of Google Earth as a tool to spy the West. Along with the development of the internet, the Government of Iran national was preparing 3D digital mapping service that claimed a step better than Google Earth.

Minister of information and communication technology Iran Mohammad Hassan Nami at the weekend announced that it is developing "Google Earth Islami" named official Basir. The product is ready for use in four months.

"Preparations have been made to launch the project 3D map of the world, and currently we are creating the right data center, which can process the volume of information," said Nami as quoted from news agency Mehr, Tuesday (9/4/2013).

Nami provides information about what is a 3D map Islami. "We are developing these services with a view of Islam that we have in Iran. The values we have in Iran are the values of God and this will be the differentiator between Basir and Google Earth, "he said.

The Government hopes, will be a national portal Basir who give services on a global scale. He also claimed Basir will be safe in use globally.

"On the surface, Google Earth provides a service to the user. But in fact, the security and intelligence organization was behind any of it to obtain information from other countries, "said Nami.

Iran's other officials support the statement of Nami. Iran Police Chief Esmail Ahmadi Moghaddam, has said that Google is the search engine spy tool. With the help of which allegedly came from China, Iran blocked access to many search results on Google.

Beginning in 2012, Iran already shows want to withdraw from the global internet. The Government made its own e-mail service, blocking of internet social networking, and many other actions to strengthen the national internet.

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