Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Tablet Device Could Defeat The PS3?

Some time ago an Executive Nvidia Tegra mobile chip says that the next generation of the company would beat the PlayStation 3 gaming console for gaming Affairs.

The Chip in question was code name with Tegra "Logan" with core graphics "Kepler", as used in the PC graphics card is a GeForce series 600 today. According to the roadmap, Nvidia chip will likely be named "Tegra 5" is to be released in 2014.

Venture Beat, was quoted as saying in a meeting of investors last week, Nvidia CEO Jen-Hsun Huang giving "evidence" of the claims in the form of a graphical tablet it's beginning quality comparison (fourth-generation iPad processor A6X) and Tegra chips of the future.

Huang mentions the iPad can run games with graphic quality "on par with the older games of 1999".

Meanwhile, he claimed the chip Tegra 5 was able to run an upscale PC game like Battlefield 2, complete with sophisticated visual effects, such as shadows and active high-dynamic-range lighting.

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