Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Is Google Acquiring Whatsapp???

Google is rumored to currently negotiating to acquire WhatsApp. The value of the purchase of this instant messaging application called would reach millions of US dollars.

The information was first reported by the site DigitalTrends is revealed by internal reliable source company. Talks between Google and WhatsApp is starting four or five weeks ago.

WhatsApp mentioned trying to find ways to get the value of the acquisition. The number of Google's current offer is rumored to have approached the numbers 1 billion US dollars or about Rp 6 trillion.

Pengakusisian WhatsApp is predictable from the outset will print the value of millions of US dollars, after Instagram bought Facebook last year.

When the year 2012 is the year the photo sharing application, then this year the messaging instanlah the Prima Donna. By 2013, the instant messaging application, such as a Line, WeChat, KakaoTalk, and more intensively, WhatsApp increased the number of its users.

Purchase plan could be called WhatsApp "shortcut" Google to compete with Facebook and instant messages.

Actually Google already has everything for communication services except application messaging. This never recognised Product Manager Nikhyl Singhal, Google, in June last year. He said instant messaging application has made a large "holes" in Google's mobile strategy.

Rumornya, Google will incorporate WhatsApp Babble with multiple different communications services from Google under one roof.

Until this news was revealed, the Google and WhatsApp hasn't issued a statement whatever about this rumor.

WhatsApp is a chat application that allows users of different platforms, for example, between Android, BlackBerry, iOS, and Windows Phone, to send messages as well as file pictures, sound, and video.

Currently, WhatsApp called already has more than 100 million active users who send each other messages every day. Late last October, WhatsApp announced a record in the number of messages sent by its users, i.e. 10 billion messages in one day.

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