Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Margaret Thatcher's "Iron Lady", and Tenderness Ice Cream

First female Prime Minister and the only one in the United Kingdom, Margaret Thatcher, died on Monday (8/42013). A lot of the memory of Thatcher as "Iron Lady", as reflected in "The Iron Lady" that aired in theaters some time ago.

Many have already know why Thatcher was nicknamed the iron lady. These nicknames given by the Soviet Union, the military journalist Captain Yuri Gavrilov. Thatcher consistent against the Soviet Union and communism. This is the first time the nickname appears in Red Star, January 24, 1976.

However, do you know that Thatcher's "hard" turns out to be instrumental to create softness? Thatcher, the Iron Lady turns out to be a chemistry graduate of the University of Oxford and was instrumental in the discovery of soft-textured ice cream.

The Atlantic, reported Monday, Thatcher did research to create products of soft ice cream with his team in 1949. At the time, he was working on a cake and tea industry, which also sells ice cream named j. Lyons and co..

To create a soft ice cream, Thatcher and his team use the emulsifier or chemicals that serve to make the blend, emulsion. The purpose of the use of emulsifier is creating ice cream softer and reduces the use of raw materials and production costs can be lowered.

Thatcher and his team managed to complete their research. The company successfully lowered production costs. While the ice cream products that are created can then pumped by machine, not to be disendok using the scoop.

Thanks to the work of Thatcher, now people can enjoy the soft ice cream in ice cream cone or sundae at many fast food restaurants. The more gentle and innovative products with the help of other industry researchers.

Thatcher's career as a researcher could not last long. In 1952, he resigned from the j. Lyons and co. and began to pursue a career in politics. He began to study tax law, won a seat in Parliament until its peak became Prime Minister.

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