Monday, April 15, 2013

Scientists Claim Can Invent A Time Machine

Scientists Iran claimed are able to create a time machine. Looks sounds like science fiction, but the scientist Ali Razeqi revealed that the time machine uses a "complicated algorithms" to be able to see the future.

Reported by Nationalgeographic, Sunday (13/4/2013), a developer of technology claims could create a time machine that predict the future of a person. Time machine that reportedly will be able to know about the future, with surprising accuracy.

Ali Razeqi, who was 27 years and Director of the Center for Strategic Inventions Iran says, the time machine will print the details of a report on the future of the individual. The report uses complex algorithms to predict a person's fate.

The Daily Telegraph, Razeqi said that this device would be easy in case size input into personal computer (PC). Device creation is claimed to be able to predict a person's life up to 5-8 years into the future.

This device is not going to take you into the future, but it is said to be able to bring the future to you. In fact, Razeqi said that Iran decided to keep the engine this time so as not to be stolen by others.

He reveals, time machine this should be kept. So, China didn't steal the idea and produce them in bulk within a night.

Deputy Minister of science, research and technology of Iran rejects claims Razeqi on Friday in an interview with local media. Apparently, this is just an effort to find a lot of attention.

A theoretical physicist, Thomas Roman at Central Connecticut State University reveals that this is an idea that's really crazy. "It's hard to know because this is so weird," says Thomas.

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