Monday, April 15, 2013

"the iPad make a Netbook Died in 2015"

Research firm IHS iSuppli predicts netbook segment that will actually die within two years. The company saw that industry Personal Computer (PC) has decreased since mobile devices emerge, especially the presence of iPad which is rated as a trigger for the loss.

The Netbook is actually becoming a bridge between mobile installs or like Smartphones and tradsional PC. The netbook category peaked in 2010 with shipments reaching 32,14 million and was the same year when the iPad debuted on the market. Since the presence of the iPad, netbook scored a rapid decline.

IHS iSuppli predicts that shipments of netbooks this year will reach 3,97 million units, which represents a 72 percent decrease in comparison. Then in 2014, IHS predicts netbook segment will only be shipped 264 thousand units and the company was confident the netbook segment will die in 2015, without even a single netbook that shipped.

The popular "Netbook quickly after the device was launched for pretty cheap and give what is trusted by consumers as computer performance can be accepted. However, the netbook started declining and forgotten with the introduction of Apple's iPad in 2010, "said IHS analyst, Craigh Stice, as reported by Apple Insider, Thursday (15/4/2013).

Before the iPad was introduced, a number of analysts and industry observers think Apple could not avoid to release devices that could compete in the netbook segment. In the heyday of the netbook, the cheapest MacBook is still double the more expensive than the cheapest netbook.

When Steve Jobs was still serving as the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Apple, he repeatedly refused the netbook category and says that Apple isn't interested. Apple finally responded to the netbook category with the release of the iPad in 2010, which is rated by the Jobs as "a third category of devices that actually".

Even so, Jobs still shook off the netbook segment which he did not complete and does not actually provide needed consumer. "The problem is, netbooks aren't better at anything. It's slow, has a low quality screen, and run PC software. We do not think that netbooks are the third category of device, "said Jobs.

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