Wednesday, April 10, 2013

"Text Selection" Samsung Were Violating Patents Apple

Patent War between Samsung and Apple are still ongoing in the United States.

This time, the International Trade Commission (International Trade Commission/ITC) issued an initial ruling, the United States on Friday (5/4/2013), that Samsung had violated patents owned by Apple software technology. The patent is a feature "text selection" in smart phones and tablets.

In addition to the patent, Apple also filed a lawsuit to the ITC, which was out of Samsung violated detection technology a microphone that is connected to the audio jack cell phone or tablet. However, South Korea companies assess the ITC does not violate this patent.

ITC provided an opportunity to the Apple and Samsung to negotiate in order to continue or cancel the initial ruling of the judge. A final decision on the case law of patents of both companies are expected to complete in August 2013.

If one of the companies violate patents by the ITC, the product that violates patents are not allowed to enter the u.s. market.

This decision will certainly be detrimental to either party. Because, the U.S. is seen as an important market to sell smart phones and tablets. According to the Research Institute Gartner, Samsung is still a smart phone manufacturer in the world, while Apple is ranked second.

The patent war between Apple and Samsung have been ongoing since 2011, related software and technology design of smart phones and tablets. Not just in the u.s., the two companies are also engaged in the United Kingdom, Germany, Netherlands, Japan, South Korea, and Australia.

Still, the two companies are still in business to hardware components. Samsung still supplying the processor, display, and memory chips for Apple's mobile devices, including iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch.

But lately, Apple is rumored to start reducing the supply order components from Samsung. Apple turned to some Taiwan companies that manufacture hardware components.

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