Monday, April 15, 2013

The mystery behind Apple's OS "13,000 Dollar"

Many people know that the founder of Apple Inc. 's Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak Woz alias. However, not many know that the first Apple operating system, Apple DOS, created by people from outside the company Apple. Who is he?

The story of this important "hidden" neatly in a document at the DigiBarn computer museum in the Santa Cruz Mountains, California.

The story of the Apple started by two young men, Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak, who are friends since they were still in school at Homestead High School in Cupertino, California. After graduating from high school, they both studied at different places. Jobs at Reed College in Portland, Oregon; While the Woz enrolled at the University of California, Berkeley.

Good Jobs and Woz are drop-outs from the campus, and work. Jobs working at Atari, while Woz at Hewlett-Packard. Although separate, they keep each other's contact ...

The birth of Apple Computer in 1976, the Woz meant in terms of computer design began designing computers that would later be known as Apple i. While Jobs, who had a talent as a visionary, feel confident that Woz and his success by selling the computer.

Finally, the two founded Apple Computer on April 1, 1976.

Woz and Jobs and then introduced the PC (personal computer) their first Apple I, to the public. This computer name Woz and Jobs. However, in the 1970s, the computer was still a luxury item.

Apple I haven't been able to entice technology enthusiast and business circles because it is not equipped with a casing, power supply, and keyboard.

In 1977, in an exhibition of computer, Apple introduced their second computer, the Apple II. This computer is managed to make a lot of people curious. For a standard PC at that time, the Apple II is very impressive. This computer comes with a plastic casing and is equipped with color graphics.

Many people are interested in it, so the Woz and Jobs to receive the order. However, there is still less than the Apple II. This computer has not been equipped with disk drives and the operating system.

The problem was realized by Woz and Jobs. Because of this, their first to advance the agenda of business, Apple is creating the disk drives and the operating system for their computer. They need the help of others for this one.

Until now, not many people know that the creators of the first Apple operating system are from outside of Apple. This "hidden" history — as revealed by CNET — recorded in a document that is stored neatly in the DigiBarn computer museum in the Santa Cruz Mountains, California.

Paul Laughton, The creator of Apple DOS story continues.

Elsewhere in 1977, a programmer named Paul Laughton visiting Byte Shop, first American PC store, located in Mountain View, California. In the store, she saw a brochure and booking form Apple II computer.

For Laughton, who had worked for eight years as a systems programmer for IBM mainframe computers, the brochure is very tempting. "I have to have one (Apple II)," thought Laughton was, as he wrote in his personal Web site,

In the store, Laughton inadvertently also read an advertisement placed by the Shepardson Microsystems. Apparently, the company is looking for a programmer.

A few days later, the company was visiting Laughton to conduct a job interview. He met with Bob Shepardson, the owner of the company.

From the interview, Laughton Shepardson Microsystems that has just signed a contract valued at 13,000 u.s. dollars with Apple Computer to write a Basic program Interpreter. Shepardson want Laughton worked on coding for that program.

Two weeks later, leaving his job Laughton established at IBM to work on startup (company stub) belongs to the Shepardson. Then, the employees of Shepardson Microsystems only four people, including himself. Laughton was excited because he finally was able to get a set of the Apple II. In fact, the computer was delivered directly by Steve Jobs for him.

After working at Shepardson Microsystems, Laughton became acquainted with Woz. Then, Woz has developed a floppy disk drive for the Apple II. However, Woz a bit of stress because of Apple's management asked him to complete the hardware and operating system for the Apple II in a short time.

Therefore, Laughton volunteered to help Woz. Her initiative to make the program a DOS (disk operating system) for Apple.

Laughton finished working on the Apple DOS in 1978. Apple DOS became the first Apple operating system.

In the same year, Apple released the Apple Disk II floppy disk drive first with Apple DOS. Making a floppy disk drive and Apple DOS is one of the most important project in the history of Apple. Thanks to these innovations, the popularity and sales of Apple computers.

Jef Raskin Came to Apple in 1978, while working on projects for Apple, Shepardson Microsystems also takes care of projects from many other startup. Steve Jobs was interested in buying the company for specific software development Division in his company. But, Bob Shepardson declined the offer because of Jobs just to pay for it with a 10 percent stake in Apple.

In January of this year, Apple recruited Jef Raskin, a computer interface, as employees are the 31st. Raskin was assigned to lead the technical division at Apple. He is also responsible for overseeing Basic project undertaken by Shepardson Microsystems.

In October 1978, Apple ended the partnership with Shepardson Microsystems. At the time, Apple began developing Apple III. Raskin has the idea to create a different computer from other computers on that time — a computer that is easy to use by many people. Finally, Apple lobbied for Raskin received approval to start the project.

In 1979, Raskin started the Macintosh project. He chose the name "Macintosh" inspired the name of his favorite fruit, i.e. McIntosh. McIntosh is the name of one of the apples were discovered by a farmer from the area of Ontario, in the 19th century. The Apple name comes from the name of its discoverer, John McIntosh.

Meanwhile, in 1980, Apple introduced the next computer, the Apple III. At that time, there was a major change in Apple. Apple moved to a larger Office and grew into a company with many employees, have experienced managers, managers and investors who fill the chairs the Board of Directors.

Macintosh, released in 1984, thus becoming the next Apple operating system. Even so, Raskin had left the Apple before the Macintosh was launched. He resigned in 1982, because it involved a quarrel with Steve Jobs. Up to now, Jef Raskin, the creator of the Macintosh operating system, known as "Mr. Mac".

The role of Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak in the history and development of Apple is indeed very important. But, the world should also know that there are two genius who also plays a role in the history of the Apple software, namely Paul Laughton and Jef Raskin. Without those two, maybe this time there's no Apple Inc. we know as one of the most innovative companies in the world.

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