Tuesday, April 9, 2013

INTEL: Launch Thunderbolt 2.0 A More Fast

Intel announced the latest version of the Thunderbolt to Thunderbolt 2.0 which supports data transfer speeds up to 20 Gbps (Gigabits per second).

At the National Association of Broadcasters (NAB) 2013 held in Las Vegas, U.S., Intel introduced the Thunderbolt pembesut latest version of the Thunderbolt 2.0.

Innovation is claimed to be able to deliver data transfer rates up to 20 Gbps in both directions (full duplex) where the previous version only reaches 10 Gbps, as reported by engadget.com, Tuesday.

Furthermore, Thunderbolt technology 2.0 that will be present on the market in the next few months, reportedly has up to 200 licenses and demand is predicted to increase.

At the launch, Intel also introduced the Thunderbolt host controller that carries the code Redwood Ridge. The regulator will be integrated with a fourth-generation processor cores that will be present.

With his ability, Thunderbolt 2.0 is claimed to be able to stream video simultaneously with 4K resolution. Thunderbolt 2.0 Production is planned for completion in 2014.

This is evidenced through demonstration conducted by Intel, Thunderbolt 2.0 which successfully perform the data transfer speed of 1.2 Gbps.

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