Tuesday, April 9, 2013

TOUR INFO: Nagoya & Batam Barelang So Featured Destinations

Two areas in the Nagoya and Batam namely Downtown Bridge I Barelang prepared to be Featured Tourism Destination Regions (DPUD) in order to accelerate the development of tourism infrastructure in the Riau Islands.

Batam City Tourism Office head Yusfa Hendri revealed two regions have been defined in line with the policy of the Provincial Government of Riau Islands which requires each county / city handed DPUD.

"Currently we have compiled for DPUD, I first bridge and the second Downtown Nagoya," he said, Sunday (7/4).
He said with such determination will allow it to apply for financing for development and infrastructure development are adapted to the needs of the region leading tourism destinations.

For the bridge I Barelang prioritized for development paving blocks and landscaping. In addition, road markings will be installed through the Department of Transportation.

As in the Nagoya area, most of the changing face of the landscapes will be done. Starting from the concept of parking, access roads and special zones for selling.

"The reason until now the number one tourist Nagoya mice. MICE heart in Nagoya then defined as DPUD, "he said.

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