Monday, April 15, 2013

This Is How Google Makes Employees Happy

Which companies don't want employees loyal, productive, and happy to work in the Office? Because of that, good company and a healthy working climate and trying to keep the spirit of its employees by providing allowances as well as the best facilities for them.

This was done by tech companies based in Silicon Valley, California, USA. One of them is Google.

In addition to known good hearts to its employees, Google is also one of the most technology companies identified by job seekers. How does? Alimony-alimony and the facilities provided by the company which was founded by Larry Page and Sergey Brin were able to ensure its employees are living happy, calm and satisfied. It seems there are no other things to worry about by the Googler (Google employee), excluding their work.

What are the amenities that can be enjoyed by the Googlers?

Google provides free transportation for the Googlers who lived around Mountain View, close to the location of the Googleplex (Google Office). Google also provides free Barber at work for its employees. They do not have to go to a salon and line to trim her bangs or hair that has begun.

For the Googlers can really rest on the weekend, Google provides laundry facilities and dry cleaning service in his Office. So, it's not weird if every weekend the employees bring the clothes to the Googleplex.

At the Googleplex, employees can relax while playing ping pong, pool table, table football and foosball aka. Game tables lies in some places within the building. For the Googlers that pastime "exercising the thumb", Google also provides video game equipment.

If you want, Google employees can bring them out to the Office. However, this one seems difficult to do because work often while watching a pet is not an easy thing to do. To welcome the weekend, every Friday, the Googler always gather together while drinking beer and wine.

Fun stuff, but it's not nothing. There are still many benefits and amenities that can be enjoyed by the Googlers. The list is offered by Business Insider and definitely make you dream to work there.

Free food and drinks for free at lunchtime office workers probably already used in many offices. Well, in our offices, in addition to lunch, breakfast and dinner were always available to employees. This is because the Google office location a bit far from the restaurant. Facilities of this one make the Googlers can save time and money.

The Googleplex is also equipped kitchen-small kitchen that provides coffee, snacks, and beverages for employees. The kitchens were placed adjacent to the work space employees to Googlers do not need to go far from his desk to take food. Essentially, the residents of the Googleplex guaranteed belly always full.

Health coverage For its employees remain fit, Google provides a gym and a swimming pool in his Office. Unmitigated, the pool was guarded by a special officer to ensure the safety of its users. Google employees who are unwell or injured while working can also make an appointment with a doctor at the Googleplex.

While working at Google looks very good, the employees also have a great responsibility and are required to perform well. Therefore, the job can also make them dizzy. However, when the successful completion of a project, they can enjoy bonus 1 hour massages from therapists hired by Google.

The 80/20 rule Google's rules on this one. Google requires its employees to spend 80 percent of work time in the Office to do their job, and taking the remaining 20 percent to work on special projects in accordance to their passion. That is, the standard working time during the week, there was one full day that they can use to work on projects outside of their primary job.

Google a lot to develop future technologies in Google Labs. According to Google, the most advanced technology was precisely the projects "sideline" employees in the program's 20 percent.

Met a lot of smart people Google employees are people who are smart. In our offices, they are also used to meet and work with other smart people, including Larry Page and Sergey Brin. Googlers also got used to meet and work with leaders, thinkers, and celebs in the tech industry.

Although its employees are smart, Google still encourage them to always learn. One of the proof, the shower door and the top of the urinal in the toilet of their Office decorated with a variety of puzzles and tips about coding. Apparently the Googlers also believes that the toilet is one of the best places to find inspiration.

TechStop TechStop is a tech-support units manned by the best IT specialists at the Googleplex. There, employees who have difficulty dealing with hardware and software can help. TechStop is open 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. IT's trivial affairs though will be served at this place, including when employees forgot to bring his laptop charger into the Office.

Maternity leave and have kids Saying "a lot of children much sustenance" seems to apply to the Googlers. While other offices only grant maternity leave to women employees, Google also generously gave time off "welcome children" for his employees.

Google gives gifts "holiday" for 6 weeks, and still are hired, to Googlers male whose wife gave birth. Meanwhile, the woman who recently gave birth to the Googlers, Google gives off for 18 weeks after the child is born.

Not only that. After the birth of the child, the employees also get a bonus to ease the costs of buying the baby needs. After the mother returned to work, she could bring her baby to the Office and menitipkannya in Day Care facilities provided at the Googleplex.

Death benefit guarantee the well-being of its employees, Google even until they died. When there is a Googler who dies, the company will dilute the life insurance employee and give it to families left behind. Google will also pay half the salary of the employee is the husband/wife is left up to the next 10 years. In addition, Google will also provide allowance of 1000 US dollars every month to the children of the deceased.

So, who wants to work at the Googleplex?

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