Monday, May 13, 2013

Twitter Is Still Reluctant To IPO

Twitter co-founder Jack Dorsey says, it is currently not thought to do the Intial Public Offering (IPO).
"A lot of people consider this (IPO) as a goal to be achieved, but this is actually just a milestone. If you think of it as a destination, you will be rushed towards it and then stopped. It's not the way to build a lasting, "says Dorsey, as reported by Bloomberg, from Monday (13/5/2013).
According to Dorsey there are many things to be prepared prior to the IPO. One of them is that Twitter had to learn various things about IPOS and companies that already do, like LinkedIn, Zynga, Groupon and Yelp.
"It (IPO) will be different for every single company," he said.
Although he has not been interested in doing an IPO, but Twitter continues to strengthen its position in social media with the acquisition of a number of companies. The latest acquisition does that service is buying Ubalo, which the company aims to make large-scale computing becomes more easy and not difficult to access.

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