Friday, May 3, 2013

This Winged Robot Could Be Buzzing like Mosquitos

Scientists US create tiny winged robot that can fly. The Robot with the ability to float in the air, removing noise such as mosquitoes are real.

Reported by the ABC, Friday (3/5/2013), to be able to fly from the ground surface, scientists should be able to make this cute little robot with a light weight. In addition, the aerodynamic shape of the wings must be reckoned with.

Not only the design is small, this robot must also have energy supplies as well as programmed to fly without disturbing the people around him. "This is the culmination of over a decade of work that I have been trying to do to get this result," said Robert Wood, a developer of robots at Harvard University.

He said the robot "mosquito" this is the first demonstration that researchers were able to create a small insect-like robots. In addition, the robot can be controlled while in the air. The development of this robot is reported in the journal Science.

In the report, researchers explain how the development process of the robot. Reportedly, a small winged robot can be used for humanitarian missions, such as the search for missing persons, tracing the toxic pollutants or help pollinate plants. Not only that, these robots can also be used to spy on the enemy.

The Robot has experienced several generations of development and testing of control before being flown. The current Model has a weight of only 80 milligrams and could flap its wings as much as 120 times per second.

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