Friday, May 3, 2013

5 symptoms of Android "Poisoning"

Malware is getting rampant in the Android platform. The number of Android devices that are infected with malware in 2012, for example, 300 percent more than 2008.

Once installed, the malware operates in stealth, steal user data, or using internet quota without permission.

These malicious programs using a variety of methods to avoid detection, including Android device users with the mendompleng program.

However, its presence can still be understood by observing certain symptoms. What's it? Here are five of them, as quoted from Read Write Web:
1. battery life is decreased.
Android users who use the device normally and not a lot of activity that drains the battery must know the range of her cell phone battery life.

If battery life is decreased without a clear cause, it is likely to be a cause of the keroknya malware. Examples include adware, these types of malware that continuously send ads to users so that it affects the battery life of the device.

2. Dropped call and interference calls. Malware can eavesdrop on talks conducted with Android devices. When this happens, it could appear a side effect of nuisance calls or dropped call.

If the user believes two problems this is not caused by the disturbance of the signal, it could be there is indeed a malware that attempts to tap the talk or do any other suspicious activity.

3. higher phone bills. This is caused by the malware thief pulses with a variety of techniques, such as sending an SMS to a premium rate number.

To avoid suspicion, some malware of this type just send an SMS once a month. There are also automatically remove yourself so done drain the user's Bill quickly.

Therefore, it is worth checking the phone bill to see if any suspicious spending. Who knows there is malware in tow.

4. data Consumption went up suddenly. This one can also occur due to malware, similar to phone bills on top of weirdness. Change the upload or download may be a sign that someone or something is utilizing the internet connection on your Android device.

Install the measuring data quota can indicate when a device has been compromised, the malware and prevent excess consumption data through everyday use.

5. performance is declining. Depending on the hardware specifications of the device in question, malware could make performance dropped drastically. PC users who have experienced heavy virus infection is certainly familiar with the symptoms of this one. How can check it out by looking at consumption of RAM or the processor load that is unnatural.

Keep watching in sequence, the Android operating system is most vulnerable to malware is version 2.3 (Gingerbread), 4.0 (Ice Cream Sandwich), and 4.1 (Jelly Bean). According to data from Android Developer Dashboard, 88 percent of Android devices in circulation using three versions of this operating system.

When many Android devices infected with malware, there are some actions that can be done. The first is to delete the application associated with the malware. If the malware remains even though the application "parent" is deleted, then that can be done is to do a "factory reset" which will clear the memory of the device.

To enhance security, a number of security applications is available in the Google Play Store. For Office users, the IT Department can help address this malware before risking corporate data.

General precautions that can be done is to really pay attention to the type of permissions that are required by each Android application. Many applications ask for permission to do malicious things, although not required. For that, read the request permissions carefully before clicking the "accept" button.

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